List of Street with Postal Code in Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, Canada

List of streets with postal code in Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, Canada

Street Postal Code
5-120 6th St SE R1N 1E8
7-35 18th St NW R1N 2X9
7-25 18th St NW R1N 2X9
14-555 11Th St NW R1N 3S3
16-555 11Th St NW R1N 3S3
26-805 3rd St NW R1N 2E3
26-50 20th St SW R1N 2Y7
26-717 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
26-120 6th St SE R1N 1E8
26-50 9th St SE R1N 1B8
27-120 6th St SE R1N 1E8
27-717 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
27-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
27-805 3rd St NW R1N 2E3
28-50 9th St SE R1N 1B8
28-717 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
28-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
28-120 6th St SE R1N 1E8
29-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
29-50 9th St SE R1N 1B8
29-717 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
30-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
30-717 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
31-717 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
31-50 20th St SW R1N 2Y7
31-805 3rd St NW R1N 2E3
31-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
32-717 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
32-805 3rd St NW R1N 2E3
32-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
32-50 20th St SW R1N 2Y7
33-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
33-50 20th St SW R1N 2Y7
33-805 3rd St NW R1N 2E3
34-60 9th St SE R1N 1B8
34-805 3rd St NW R1N 2E3
34-50 20th St SW R1N 2Y7
34-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
35-50 20th St SW R1N 2Y7
35-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
35-805 3rd St NW R1N 2E3
35-60 9th St SE R1N 1B8
36-50 20th St SW R1N 2Y7
36-60 9th St SE R1N 1B8
36-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
36-805 3rd St NW R1N 2E3
37-60 9th St SE R1N 1B8
37-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
37-805 3rd St NW R1N 2E3
38-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
39-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
40-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
41-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
41-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
42-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
42-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
43-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
43-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
44-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
44-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
45-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
45-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
46-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
46-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
47-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
47-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
48-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
48-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
49-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
49-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
50-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
50-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
51-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
51-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
52-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
52-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
53-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
53-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
54-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
54-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
55-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
55-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
56-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
56-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
57-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
57-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
58-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
58-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
59-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
59-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
60-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
60-80 9th St SE R1N 1B8
61-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
62-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
63-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
64-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
65-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
66-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
67-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
68-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
69-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
70-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
71-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
72-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
74-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
75-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
76-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
77-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
78-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
79-151 Royal Rd N R1N 3J4
100-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
106-261 5th St SE R1N 1H1
106-29 5th St SE R1N 1H9
107-580 13Th St NW R1N 3R2
109-29 5th St SE R1N 1H9
109-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
109-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
109-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
109-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
109-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
111-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
111-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
111-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
112-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
112-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
112-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
113-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
114-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
114-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
114-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
115-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
116-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
117-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
119-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
121-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
162 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
179 Seneca St R1N 3S9
195 Seneca St R1N 3T1
200-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
205-29 5th St SE R1N 1H9
211-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
211-29 5th St SE R1N 1H9
211-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
211-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
211-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
212-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
212-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
212-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
212-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
213-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
213-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
213-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
214-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
214-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
214-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
214-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
215-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
215-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
215-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
216-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
216-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
216-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
217-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
218-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
219-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
220-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
221-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
222-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
223-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
224-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
225-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
249 Caithness St R1N 3S5
249 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
256 Seneca St R1N 3S9
259 Seneca St R1N 3T1
259 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
261 Seneca St R1N 3T1
261 5th St SE R1N 1H1
262 Seneca St R1N 3S9
263 Caithness St R1N 3S5
264 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
265 Seneca St R1N 3T1
266 Seneca St R1N 3S9
267 Seneca St R1N 3T1
267 Caithness St R1N 3S5
271 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
271 Seneca St R1N 3T1
271 Caithness St R1N 3S5
274 Seneca St R1N 3S9
274 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
275 Caithness St R1N 3S5
275 Seneca St R1N 3T1
276 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
277 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
278 Seneca St R1N 3S9
278 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
278 Crescent Rd W R1N 0Y7
279 Caithness St R1N 3S5
279 Seneca St R1N 3T1
280 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
281 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
282 Seneca St R1N 3S9
282 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
283 Seneca St R1N 3T1
283 Caithness St R1N 3S5
284 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
286 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
286 Seneca St R1N 3S9
287 Seneca St R1N 3T1
287 Caithness St R1N 3S5
290 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
295 Caithness St R1N 3S5
295 Seneca St R1N 3T1
296 Seneca St R1N 3S9
296 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
296 6th Ave NE R1N 0B8
299 Victoria Ave R1N 0G8
299 3rd St NE R1N 1P5
306-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
306-175B River Rd R1N 3P6
307-29 5th St SE R1N 1H9
309-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
309-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
309-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
309-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
309-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
309-29 5th St SE R1N 1H9
309-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
310-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
310-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
310-29 5th St SE R1N 1H9
310-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
310-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
310-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
311-29 5th St SE R1N 1H9
311-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
311-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
311-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
311-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
312-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
312-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
312-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
312-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
313-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
313-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
313-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
314-701 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
314-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
314-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
314-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
315-851 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
315-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
315-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
316-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
316-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
317-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
317-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
318-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
318-1225 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 3Y6
319-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
320-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
321-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
322-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
323-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
324-149 4th St SE R1N 1K3
343 Caithness St R1N 3S5
344 Caithness St R1N 3S6
351 Seneca St R1N 3T1
351 Caithness St R1N 3S5
352 Caithness St R1N 3S6
354 Caledonia St R1N 3T8
356 10th St NW R1N 3J1
358 Seneca St R1N 3S9
359 Caithness St R1N 3S5
359 10th St NW R1N 3G1
360 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
366 Seneca St R1N 3S9
368 Caithness St R1N 3S6
369 Caithness St R1N 3S5
371 10th St NW R1N 3G1
374 Seneca St R1N 3S9
375 Seneca St R1N 3T1
375 Caithness St R1N 3S5
376 Caithness St R1N 3S6
380 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
380 Seneca St R1N 3S9
382 10th St NW R1N 3J1
383 10th St NW R1N 3G1
384 Caithness St R1N 3S6
387 Caithness St R1N 3S6
388 Seneca St R1N 3S9
390 4th Ave NE R1N 0E7
390 River Rd R1N 3V6
391 Seneca St R1N 3T1
391 9th St NW R1N 2P2
392 Caithness St R1N 3S6
395 Caithness St R1N 3S6
395 10th St NW R1N 3G1
396 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
396 Seneca St R1N 3S9
396 10th St NW R1N 3J1
397 Seneca St R1N 3T1
400-50 24th St NW R1N 3V9
403-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
405-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
405-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
406-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
406-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
407-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
407-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
408-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
408-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
409-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
409-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
410-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
436 Caithness St R1N 3S6
437 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
439 7th St NW R1N 2L4
439 5th St NW R1N 2H8
439 10th St NW R1N 2R6
439 8th St NW R1N 2M9
441 Seneca St R1N 3T1
441 Caithness St R1N 3S6
441 1st St NW R1N 1Z2
441 6th St NW R1N 2J9
441 7th St NW R1N 2L4
441 Crescent Rd E R1N 3W5
441 2nd St NW R1N 2A7
442 Seneca St R1N 3S9
442 Caithness St R1N 3S6
442 2nd St NW R1N 2A8
442 8th St NW R1N 2N1
443 7th St NW R1N 2L4
443 9th St NW R1N 2P3
443 6th St NW R1N 2J9
443 8th St NW R1N 2M9
443 2nd St NW R1N 2A7
444 4th St NW R1N 2G3
444 9th St NW R1N 2P4
444 Tupper St N R1N 1X5
444 10th St NW R1N 2R6
445 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
445 3rd St NW R1N 2C3
445 6th St NW R1N 2J9
445 9th St NW R1N 2P3
445 5th St NW R1N 2H8
446 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
446 Tupper St N R1N 1X5
446 9th St NW R1N 2P4
446 8th St NW R1N 2N1
446 6th St NW R1N 2J8
447 Caithness St R1N 3S6
447 9th St NW R1N 2P3
447 7th St NW R1N 2L4
448 9th St NW R1N 2P4
449 Seneca St R1N 3T1
449 8th St NW R1N 2M9
449 10th St NW R1N 2R6
449 9th St NW R1N 2P3
451 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
451 3rd St NW R1N 2C3
451 2nd St NW R1N 2A7
453 Caithness St R1N 3S6
453 Seneca St R1N 3T1
453 8th St NW R1N 2M9
454 Seneca St R1N 3S9
454 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
456 Caithness St R1N 3S6
459 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
460 6th St NW R1N 2J8
460 7th St NW R1N 2L3
461 Caithness St R1N 3S6
462 Seneca St R1N 3S9
464 Caithness St R1N 3S6
464 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
465 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
465 Seneca St R1N 3T1
468 Seneca St R1N 3S9
469 Caithness St R1N 3S6
470 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
470 7th St NW R1N 2L3
471 Seneca St R1N 3T1
472 Caithness St R1N 3S6
473 4th St NW R1N 2G4
474 6th St NW R1N 2J8
475 Seneca St R1N 3T1
475 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
475 Caithness St R1N 3S6
475 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L5
475 4th St NW R1N 2G4
476 Seneca St R1N 3S9
476 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
480 Caledonia St R1N 3S7
480 Caithness St R1N 3S6
480 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 0M4
481 Seneca St R1N 3T1
483 Caithness St R1N 3S6
483 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
484 Seneca St R1N 3S9
486 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
488 Caithness St R1N 3S6
489 Caithness St R1N 3S6
489 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L5
489 Old Bridge Rd R1N 3X4
490 Seneca St R1N 3S9
491 Seneca St R1N 3T1
491 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
496 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
496 Seneca St R1N 3S9
496 Caithness St R1N 3S7
497 Caithness St R1N 3S6
497 Caledonia St R1N 3S8
497 Seneca St R1N 3T1
498 Old Bridge Rd R1N 3X4
501-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
501-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
502-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
502-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
503-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
503-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
504-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
504-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
505-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
505-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
506-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
506-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
507-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
507-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
508-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
508-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
509-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
509-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
510-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
532 5th St NW R1N 2J1
532 Tupper St N R1N 1X7
532 10th St NW R1N 2R7
532 8th St NW R1N 2N3
532 3rd St NE R1N 1R1
533 Midland St N R1N 1S7
533 1st St NW R1N 1Z5
533 Royal Rd N R1N 1V7
533 6th St NE R1N 1G7
533 6th St NW R1N 2K1
534 Hazel Bay R1N 3M2
534 5th St NW R1N 2J1
534 Royal Rd N R1N 1V8
534 6th St NE R1N 1G8
534 Tupper St N R1N 1X7
534 2nd St NW R1N 2A9
535 11Th St NW R1N 3S2
535 4th St NW R1N 2G6
535 3rd St NE R1N 1R2
535 6th St NW R1N 2K1
536 6th St NW R1N 2K2
536 5th St NE R1N 1J7
536 Tupper St N R1N 1X7
536 6th Ave NW R1N 3C9
536 1st St NW R1N 1Z4
536 10th St NW R1N 2R7
536 3rd St NE R1N 1R1
536 2nd St NW R1N 2A9
537 4th St NW R1N 2G6
537 1st St NW R1N 1Z5
537 Royal Rd N R1N 1V7
537 9th St NW R1N 2P5
537 7th St NW R1N 2L6
537 5th St NW R1N 2H9
538 Goodale Dr R1N 3M6
538 8th St NW R1N 2N3
538 7th St NW R1N 2L5
538 3rd St NE R1N 1R1
538 Royal Rd N R1N 1V8
539 2nd St NW R1N 2B1
539 5th St NW R1N 2H9
539 8th St NW R1N 2N2
540 Midland St N R1N 1S6
540 5th St NW R1N 2J1
540 6th Ave NW R1N 3C9
540 6th St NE R1N 1G8
540 Goodale Dr R1N 3M6
540 Royal Rd N R1N 1V8
541 9th St NW R1N 2P5
542 Royal Rd N R1N 1V8
542 Tupper St N R1N 1X7
542 9th St NW R1N 2P6
542 Goodale Dr R1N 3M6
543 Royal Rd N R1N 1V7
543 8th St NW R1N 2N2
544 6th Ave NW R1N 3C9
544 Royal Rd N R1N 1V8
544 5th St NE R1N 1J7
544 1st St NW R1N 1Z4
544 6th St NW R1N 2K2
544 6th St NE R1N 1G8
544 8th St NW R1N 2N3
544 9th St NW R1N 2P6
544 7th St NW R1N 2L5
545 7th St NW R1N 2L6
545 Tupper St N R1N 1X6
545 10th St NW R1N 2R8
545 1st St NW R1N 1Z5
545 11Th St NW R1N 3S2
546 2nd St NW R1N 2A9
546 5th St NW R1N 2J1
547 5th St NW R1N 2H9
547 3rd St NE R1N 1R2
547 8th St NW R1N 2N2
548 6th Ave NW R1N 3C9
551 2nd St NE R1N 1S2
551 5th St NW R1N 2H9
551 1st St NW R1N 1Z5
551 8th St NW R1N 2N2
551 Tupper St N R1N 1X6
551 3rd St NE R1N 1R2
551 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3W6
552 2nd St NW R1N 2A9
552 3rd St NW R1N 2C5
552 5th St NW R1N 2J1
552 1st St NW R1N 1Z4
554 6th St NW R1N 2K2
555 11Th St NW R1N 3S3
555 10th St NW R1N 2R8
559 6th St NW R1N 2K1
560 Crescent Rd W R1N 0Y8
561 5th St NE R1N 1J8
562 Midland St N R1N 1S6
563 2nd St NE R1N 1S2
565 11Th St NW R1N 3S3
565 10th St NW R1N 2R8
566 Crescent Rd W R1N 0Y8
567 Midland St N R1N 1S7
568 Midland St N R1N 1S6
570 Midland St N R1N 1S6
571 2nd St NE R1N 1S2
573 5th St NE R1N 1J8
575 11Th St NW R1N 3S3
575 5th St NE R1N 1J8
575 10th St NW R1N 2R8
577 2nd St NW R1N 2B1
580 13Th St NW R1N 3R2
581 2nd St NW R1N 2B1
583 2nd St NE R1N 1S2
585 Midland St N R1N 1S7
585 10th St NW R1N 2R8
587 2nd St NW R1N 2B1
589 2nd St NE R1N 1S2
595 2nd St NE R1N 1S2
595 10th St NW R1N 2R8
601-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
601-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
602-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
603-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
603-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
604-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
604-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
605-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
605-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
606-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
606-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
607-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
607-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
608-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
608-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
609-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
609-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
610-164 5th St SE R1N 3P9
628 Estate St R1N 3G9
628 Oak Bay R1N 3L1
628 Home St R1N 3G8
628 Tupper St N R1N 1X8
628 3rd St NW R1N 2C7
628 Queen Ave R1N 0W6
629 Home St R1N 3G7
629 Estate St R1N 3H1
629 Tupper St N R1N 1X9
629 Countess Ave R1N 0S7
629 Mobile St R1N 3G5
629 Dufferin Ave E R1N 0T7
629 Royal Rd N R1N 1W1
631 2nd St NW R1N 2B2
631 Dufferin Ave E R1N 0T7
631 Oak Bay R1N 3K9
631 Royal Rd N R1N 1W1
632 Queen Ave R1N 0W6
632 Oak Bay R1N 3L1
632 2nd St NW R1N 2B3
632 Dufferin Ave E R1N 0T8
632 Spruce Bay R1N 3L6
632 Home St R1N 3G8
632 Mobile St R1N 3G6
632 Estate St R1N 3G9
632 Countess Ave R1N 0S8
633 King Ave R1N 0W4
633 Queen Ave R1N 0W7
633 Home St R1N 3G7
633 Mobile St R1N 3G5
633 4th St NE R1N 1L9
633 3rd St NE R1N 1R5
633 Estate St R1N 3H1
633 Oak Bay R1N 3K9
633 3rd St NW R1N 2C6
634 Royal Rd N R1N 1V9
634 3rd St NE R1N 1R4
634 Dufferin Ave E R1N 0T8
634 Spruce Bay R1N 3L6
634 7th St NW R1N 3E5
634 Oak Bay R1N 3L1
634 King Ave R1N 0W5
635 4th St NW R1N 2G8
635 Spruce Bay R1N 3L7
635 6th Ave NE R1N 0B5
635 8th St NW R1N 3K5
635 Oak Bay R1N 3K9
635 7th St NW R1N 3E4
635 Midland St N R1N 1S9
635 1st St NW R1N 1Z6
635 6th St NW R1N 2K3
635 3rd St NE R1N 1R5
635 King Ave R1N 0W4
636 Spruce Bay R1N 3L6
636 Estate St R1N 3G9
636 Home St R1N 3G8
636 Mobile St R1N 3G6
636 2nd St NW R1N 2B3
636 Queen Ave R1N 0W6
636 Oak Bay R1N 3L1
636 Dufferin Ave E R1N 0T8
636 4th St NW R1N 2G7
637 Home St R1N 3G7
637 2nd St NW R1N 2B2
637 4th St NW R1N 2G8
637 Mobile St R1N 3G5
637 King Ave R1N 0W4
637 Spruce Bay R1N 3L7
637 6th St NW R1N 2K3
637 Estate St R1N 3H1
637 Oak Bay R1N 3K9
638 King Ave R1N 0W5
638 3rd St NE R1N 1R4
638 Oak Bay R1N 3L1
638 1st St NW R1N 1Z7
639 4th St NE R1N 1L9
639 3rd St NW R1N 2C6
639 Oak Bay R1N 3K9
639 King Ave R1N 0W4
639 2nd St NW R1N 2B2
639 Spruce Bay R1N 3L7
640 10th St NW R1N 3P2
640 Home St R1N 3G8
640 Estate St R1N 3G9
640 Oak Bay R1N 3L1
640 Mobile St R1N 3G6
640 9th St NW R1N 3H6
640 King Ave R1N 0W5
640 Royal Rd N R1N 1V9
640 Spruce Bay R1N 3L6
640 4th St NW R1N 2G7
640 2nd St NW R1N 2B3
640 Countess Ave R1N 0S8
641 Spruce Bay R1N 3L7
641 Mobile St R1N 3G5
641 4th St NW R1N 2G8
641 Home St R1N 3G7
641 Oak Bay R1N 3K9
641 1st St NW R1N 1Z6
641 Tupper St N R1N 1X9
641 Estate St R1N 3H1
641 2nd St NE R1N 1S3
641 2nd St NW R1N 2B2
641 6th St NW R1N 2K3
642 Oak Bay R1N 3L1
642 1st St NW R1N 1Z7
642 Midland St N R1N 1S8
642 King Ave R1N 0W5
643 Countess Ave R1N 0S7
643 Spruce Bay R1N 3L7
644 3rd St NE R1N 1R4
644 Spruce Bay R1N 3L6
644 7th St NW R1N 3E5
645 7th St NW R1N 3E4
645 3rd St NW R1N 2C6
645 4th St NW R1N 2G8
645 8th St NW R1N 3K5
645 2nd St NW R1N 2B2
645 6th St NW R1N 2K3
645 9th St NW R1N 2P7
645 4th St NE R1N 1L9
645 Midland St N R1N 1S9
646 Royal Rd N R1N 1V9
646 Midland St N R1N 1S8
646 Spruce Bay R1N 3L6
646 2nd St NW R1N 2B3
647 Royal Rd N R1N 1W1
647 2nd St NE R1N 1S3
647 Countess Ave R1N 0S7
647 Midland St N R1N 1S9
648 Midland St N R1N 1S8
648 Spruce Bay R1N 3L6
648 Countess Ave R1N 0S8
648 2nd St NW R1N 2B3
649 6th St NW R1N 2K3
649 Midland St N R1N 1S9
650 9th St NW R1N 3H6
650 Royal Rd N R1N 1V9
650 10th St NW R1N 3P2
650 2nd St NW R1N 2B3
650 8th St NW R1N 3J3
650 Spruce Bay R1N 3L6
650 4th St NW R1N 2G7
650 Midland St N R1N 1S8
651 1st St NW R1N 1Z6
651 4th St NE R1N 1L9
651 3rd St NW R1N 2C6
651 2nd St NE R1N 1S3
651 Midland St N R1N 1S9
651 Royal Rd N R1N 1W1
651 2nd St NW R1N 2B2
652 1st St NW R1N 1Z7
652 2nd St NW R1N 2B3
652 3rd St NE R1N 1R4
652 Midland St N R1N 1S8
653 3rd St NE R1N 1R6
653 Countess Ave R1N 0S7
653 Midland St N R1N 1S9
653 2nd St NE R1N 1S3
654 7th St NW R1N 3E5
655 8th St NW R1N 3K5
655 1st St NW R1N 1Z6
655 7th St NW R1N 3E4
655 6th Ave NE R1N 0B5
655 9th St NW R1N 2P7
656 Countess Ave R1N 0S8
656 3rd St NE R1N 1R4
657 4th St NE R1N 1L9
659 Countess Ave R1N 0S7
659 3rd St NE R1N 1R6
660 8th St NW R1N 3J3
660 10th St NW R1N 3P2
660 1st St NW R1N 1Z7
660 3rd St NE R1N 1R4
660 6th Ave NE R1N 0B4
660 9th St NW R1N 3H6
660 4th St NE R1N 3G2
662 Countess Ave R1N 0S8
663 1st St NW R1N 1Z6
663 4th St NE R1N 1L9
664 7th St NW R1N 3E5
664 3rd St NE R1N 1R4
665 9th St NW R1N 2P7
665 7th St NW R1N 3E4
665 8th St NW R1N 3K5
666 Countess Ave R1N 0S8
666 Queen Ave R1N 0W6
667 Countess Ave R1N 0S7
668 Countess Ave R1N 0S8
668 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
668 3rd St NE R1N 1R4
668 4th St NE R1N 3G2
669 Countess Ave R1N 0S7
669 4th St NE R1N 1L9
669 Maplewood Cres R1N 0A9
670 9th St NW R1N 3H6
670 10th St NW R1N 3P2
670 Countess Ave R1N 0S8
670 8th St NW R1N 3J3
670 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
671 Maplewood Cres R1N 0A9
672 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
672 4th St NE R1N 3G2
673 Maplewood Cres R1N 0A9
674 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
674 7th St NW R1N 3E5
675 8th St NW R1N 3K5
675 4th St NE R1N 1L9
675 7th St NW R1N 3E4
675 9th St NW R1N 2P7
675 6th Ave NE R1N 0B5
676 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
677 Maplewood Cres R1N 0A9
678 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
678 4th St NE R1N 3G2
680 10th St NW R1N 3P2
680 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
680 9th St NW R1N 3H6
680 8th St NW R1N 3J3
680 6th Ave NE R1N 0B4
681 Maplewood Cres R1N 0A9
681 4th St NE R1N 1L9
682 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
684 7th St NW R1N 3E5
684 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
684 4th St NE R1N 3G2
685 8th St NW R1N 3K5
685 Maplewood Cres R1N 0A9
685 7th St NW R1N 3E4
685 9th St NW R1N 2P7
686 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
687 4th St NE R1N 1L9
687 Tupper St N R1N 1X9
688 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
688 4th St NE R1N 3G2
690 10th St NW R1N 3P2
690 9th St NW R1N 3H6
690 Maplewood Cres R1N 0B1
690 8th St NW R1N 3J3
691 Maplewood Cres R1N 0A9
693 4th St NE R1N 1L9
694 4th St NE R1N 3G2
694 7th St NW R1N 3E5
695 8th St NW R1N 3K5
695 7th St NW R1N 3E4
695 9th St NW R1N 2P7
698 Tupper St N R1N 1X8
701-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
702-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
703-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
704-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
705-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
706-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
707-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
708-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
709-805 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 3H8
724 4th St NE R1N 3G2
724 Cedar Bay R1N 3L9
724 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
724 Royal Rd N R1N 1W2
726 Cedar Bay R1N 3L9
726 4th St NW R1N 2G9
726 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
726 3rd St NE R1N 1R4
726 3rd St NW R1N 2C8
726 2nd St NW R1N 2B4
727 Cedar Bay R1N 3L2
727 4th St NW R1N 2H1
727 2nd St NE R1N 1S5
728 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
728 Royal Rd N R1N 1W2
728 Midland St N R1N 1T1
728 Cedar Bay R1N 3L9
729 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
729 Poplar Bay R1N 3K4
729 Royal Rd N R1N 1W3
729 Cedar Bay R1N 3L2
729 4th St NW R1N 2H1
729 Midland St N R1N 1T2
730 3rd St NW R1N 2C8
730 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
730 Cedar Bay R1N 3L9
730 10th St NW R1N 3H9
730 4th St NW R1N 2G9
730 Midland St N R1N 1T1
730 9th St NW R1N 3J2
731 4th St NW R1N 2H1
731 Cedar Bay R1N 3L2
731 Poplar Bay R1N 3K4
731 3rd St NW R1N 2C9
732 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
732 Cedar Bay R1N 3L9
733 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
733 Poplar Bay R1N 3K4
733 Cedar Bay R1N 3L2
733 2nd St NW R1N 2B5
734 Cedar Bay R1N 3L9
734 3rd St NW R1N 2C8
734 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
734 4th St NE R1N 3G2
734 2nd St NW R1N 2B4
734 4th St NW R1N 2G9
735 9th St NW R1N 2P7
735 3rd St NW R1N 2C9
735 2nd St NE R1N 1S5
735 Poplar Bay R1N 3K4
735 8th St NW R1N 3L4
735 4th St NE R1N 1L9
735 4th St NW R1N 2H1
736 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
736 Cedar Bay R1N 3L9
737 3rd St NW R1N 2C9
737 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
737 4th St NW R1N 2H1
737 Poplar Bay R1N 3K4
738 3rd St NW R1N 2C8
738 4th St NW R1N 2H2
738 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
739 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
739 Poplar Bay R1N 3K4
739 3rd St NW R1N 2C9
740 9th St NW R1N 3J2
740 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
740 10th St NW R1N 3H9
741 3rd St NW R1N 2C9
741 Poplar Bay R1N 3K4
742 4th St NW R1N 2H2
742 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
742 1st St NW R1N 1Z8
742 2nd St NW R1N 2B4
742 3rd St NW R1N 2C8
743 Poplar Bay R1N 3K4
743 2nd St NW R1N 2B5
743 3rd St NW R1N 2E1
743 1st St NW R1N 1Z9
743 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
744 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
744 St George Ave R1N 0T6
744 4th St NE R1N 3G2
744 3rd St NW R1N 2C8
745 2nd St NW R1N 2B5
745 2nd St NE R1N 1S5
745 9th St NW R1N 2P7
745 8th St NW R1N 3L4
746 4th St NW R1N 2H2
746 Poplar Bay R1N 3K8
746 1st St NW R1N 1Z8
746 2nd St NW R1N 2B4
747 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
747 1st St NW R1N 1Z9
748 3rd St NW R1N 2C8
748 1st St NW R1N 1Z8
748 4th St NW R1N 2H2
749 3rd St NW R1N 2E1
749 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
749 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0L3
749 2nd St NW R1N 2B5
750 10th St NW R1N 3H9
750 9th St NW R1N 3J2
750 2nd St NW R1N 2B4
750 1st St NW R1N 1Z8
751 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
751 3rd St NW R1N 2E1
751 1st St NW R1N 1Z9
751 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 0P7
751 2nd St NW R1N 2B5
752 1st St NW R1N 1Z8
752 4th St NW R1N 2H2
752 3rd St NW R1N 2C8
753 3rd St NW R1N 2E1
753 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
754 1st St NW R1N 1Z8
754 2nd St NW R1N 2B4
755 9th St NW R1N 2P7
755 8th St NW R1N 3L4
755 3rd St NE R1N 1R7
755 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
755 1st St NW R1N 1Z9
757 2nd St NW R1N 2B5
757 2nd St NE R1N 1S5
757 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
758 1st St NW R1N 1Z8
758 2nd St NW R1N 2B4
759 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
759 2nd St NW R1N 2B5
759 1st St NW R1N 1Z9
760 1st St NW R1N 1Z8
760 10th St NW R1N 3H9
760 9th St NW R1N 3J2
760 2nd St NW R1N 2B4
761 2nd St NW R1N 2B5
761 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
763 2nd St NW R1N 2B5
763 Tupper St N R1N 1Y2
764 1st St NW R1N 1Z8
765 1st St NW R1N 1Z9
765 8th St NW R1N 3L4
765 9th St NW R1N 2P7
765 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 0P7
768 1st St NW R1N 1Z8
769 1st St NW R1N 1Z9
770 10th St NW R1N 3H9
770 9th St NW R1N 3J2
775 8th St NW R1N 3L4
775 6th Ave NE R1N 0B5
775 Saskatchewan Ave W R1N 0P8
775 9th St NW R1N 2P7
777 4th St NW R1N 2H1
780 9th St NW R1N 3J2
780 10th St NW R1N 3H9
781 4th St NW R1N 2H1
783 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
785 9th St NW R1N 2P7
785 8th St NW R1N 3L4
787 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
789 4th St NW R1N 2H1
790 10th St NW R1N 3H9
790 9th St NW R1N 3J2
791 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
795 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
795 8th St NW R1N 3L4
799 Crescent Rd E R1N 0Y2
822 3rd St NW R1N 2E2
823 8th St NW R1N 3P5
824 9th St NW R1N 3L3
824 10th St NW R1N 3K2
824 3rd St NW R1N 2E2
824 Saskatchewan Ave E R1N 0K3
824 6th Ave NE R1N 0B4
825 9th St NW R1N 3J8
827 8th St NW R1N 3P5
828 9th St NW R1N 3L3
828 10th St NW R1N 3K2
829 9th St NW R1N 3J8

45°24′N 75°40′W / 45.400°N 75.667°W / 45.400; -75.667
Largest cityToronto
Official languages
  • English
  • French
Ethnic groups
List of ethnicities
  • 72.9% European
  • 17.7% Asian
  • 4.9% Indigenous
  • 3.1% African
  • 1.3% Latin American
  • 0.2% Oceanian
GovernmentFederal parliamentary
constitutional monarchy
• Total area
9,984,670 km2 (3,855,100 sq mi) (2nd)
• Water (%)
11.76 (as of 2015)
• Total land area
9,093,507 km2 (3,511,023 sq mi)
• Q1 2021 estimate
38,048,738 (37th)
• 2016 census
• Density
3.92/km2 (10.2/sq mi) (185th)
GDP (PPP)2021 estimate
• Total
$1.979 trillion (15th)
• Per capita
$51,713 (20th)
GDP (nominal)2021 estimate
• Total
$1.883 trillion (9th)
• Per capita
$49,222 (18th)
CurrencyCanadian dollar ($) (CAD)
Time zoneUTC−3.5 to −8
• Summer (DST)
UTC−2.5 to −7
Driving sideright
Calling code+1


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